It was really bad this morning, the worst so far. I woke up with headache, flu and cough for smelling too much of the smoke. Oh O...!! Or maybe it's H1N1??
No. It's not H1N1 because I'm fine now...haha.

For the 1st time in my whole life, this morning, I wore a mask....because....I ride my bike to the hazy weather.
Then, roughly about 9:40am, the weather changed. It was getting dark and soon, there were strong wind....and "rained"..... a few drops withing roughly 3 minutes I guess.....and stopped. It got dried up in less than a few minutes but the weather was cool compare to what we got in the and humid.

No more "rain"...just gloomy skies but less hazy. When I rode back to my house, the air was a little cleaner.

The weather suddenly became quite cooling...thank God.
Stop the open burning, people!!!
Save water!!!
Save water!!!
Lovely photos to tell us about haze....the rain was just for a while..
If all the raindrops come together we can form a great ocean...If all the good people take care of our earth...what a wonderful earth we will have...
Haha...yeah...I agree with you
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