Blessed New Year everyone!
It was a great year last year and this year shall be even greater...and all the glory shall be given unto Him...the Giver of all...
Pastor Connie's sermon at watch night service taken from Rev 2:4-5
"Yet I hold this against you; You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place."
I am always reminded of
I am always reminded of
"Serve God and not serve the ministry"
"God does not just want your work, He wants your love for Him"
I've got to contanstly remind myself of where I was before and how God brought me out into where I am now....I am humbled and grateful...and repent of my pride.
"God does not just want your work, He wants your love for Him"
I've got to contanstly remind myself of where I was before and how God brought me out into where I am now....I am humbled and grateful...and repent of my pride.
I forgot to share about how much I achieved my 2009 resolution...
2009 Resolution.
1. Mission trip to Pa Adang...organised by GMC - mission accomplished
2. Mission trip to Ulu Kapit...at least one - mission not accomplished
3. Mission trip to Cambodia...if it does not clash with Pa Adang trip - mission accomplished
4. Finish studying the book of Luke & Acts....to be ready for teaching BK if I had to one day - I finally get to teach BK but to form 3 students who are not taking exam...and mission not accomplish...I did not finish reading, what more studying those 2 books.
5. Compiling biography of my students...personal purpose - mission not accomplish...too much things to do
6. Write at least 4 useful article in my blog - I guess...errr...mission accomplished more than I should
7. Be more faithful in my ministry...GB, Sek.Minggu.. (how do you actually know whether achieve or not?) - partly accomplish...still not fully into it...
8. Full fast during the lent and also the NECF fasting program....40 days each - mission not accomplish...lasted I think like a week?
So, what's for this year? Hehe...let's see
2010 Resolution
1. Mission trip to Cambodia
2. Mission trip to Belaga/Kapit/Balingian/Baa Adang
3. Finish reading the whole Bible
4. Faithfully doing my devotion time...not more than 1 month of missing in no action
5. Pray everyday with no exception of missing even a day
6. Fast at least the total of 2 months
7. Buy house...haha
8. Take bike licence
9. Be softer, practice gentleness, control anger, practice humility and humbleness, be an optimist
10. Exercise everyday...with not more than a month of skipping...oklah...simple word...lose weight...at least 5 kgs.
Done...at least for now...and these are just a bit here and there but there's so much that I want to do this year...hehe...ok ok...wrong statement...the "I" should not be there..
Must remember....this life belongs to Him...He is the one that will do what He wants to be done...
Less of me and more of Him...
To Him be the glory!
It is amazing grace for you and your achievements....
Your writings are very encouraging.Keep it going...
More of Him and less of us indeed.
Pray that God grant you strength and tenacity to complete all u need to dp this year
In the grip of His grace
Sarawakiana@2 & Sheena : Tq so much for your comments and for reading this blog page...
As I had been blessed..it's my prayer that those who read it shall be more blessed as well..
To Him be the glory!
hey audrey - happy new year! i hope you'd still remember me - blast from the past! i coincidentally stumbled onto your blog; very encouraged with your walk with god. i hope that all is well!
dancingjujube : Yeah,sure I do remember you. In fact I was finding ways to keep in touch with you. Your parents are very actively involve in church. I'm glad. How have you been doing?
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