20 days to CNY
32 days to TCF AGM
47 days to a change of digits
?? days till I meet the person...??

Did not our Lord Jesus teach us to be good and help those marginalised people? I wonder...or maybe He did not....?
How could one say and do such HEARTLESS thing to another who are less fortunate?
Do you think that you and your family will, for the rest of your/their life be in "perfect" shape?
Do you know that maybe one day, you and I might be in that same situation as them?
Do you and I want to wait till that day come before we finally realised our mistake, on how we ill-treated...mistreated..."some people"? By then...maybe 'nasi sudah menjadi bubur'....so, just eat the bubur instead and complain not.
Can you for once be in our shoes....be in their shoes....their parents' shoes and stop accusing us of "What wrong have we/they done that we/they deserved such treatment?"?
Can you for once hear our plea...not for you to treat them special but to have a HEART?
Can you for once do things for us without any "hidden agenda"?
We are tired emotionally having to bear all the accusation and you trying to make us as if we are a threat to all of you.
You were afraid of them, we helped you out by talking to them and handling them.
You did not have enough and you just took without even asking, and we kept quiet and partly understood your situation.
You did not have enough hands to do certain things and we helped you out without complaining even though we have all the rights not to do what you asked us to do.
When you all have work to be done, you said we are part of you but when you all received "gifts", you said we do not deserved it because we are not part of you.

"Lord, have mercy on them and give them a HEART for they really do not know what they are doing?"
but another part of me....
"Woe unto you that mistreated them by words and actions!"
When will you realised? When will all this end?
We are tired....emotionally....and physically too by being forced to do things that we are no expert at all.
"Lord, teach us what You want us to learn in situation like this".
My heart often breaks like this too.
So many cases in fact in school and every where tell us that Followers of Christ should not be doing all these.
When I was in school I befriended a very dark skinned girl was often laughed at ...but today she is a wonderful Christian mother with two sons who are doctors....the bullies...have faded away...(even skin colour makes a difference!!)
A nice plump boy was beaten up by senior students because he could not come up with 500 ringgit as protection fee or "fan" fee and other reasons. These boys are from good Christian homes I heard. I am terribly happy that this boy is now male model good looking...Perhaps he will have his day like the Donkey in the New Testament.
Girls are beaten up because they do not want to become "followers". I am still praying for one particular girl to recover from her victimization days.
And a young child is taunted because he is a little bendy in the leg and cannot run as fast as others by so called Christian teachers!! I am glad that this boy now a young man is upright and honest and will stand up for fellow Christians.
All these are happening in Miri and elsewhere. Christians know but many do not stand up for their fellow Christians and for Christ!!
I would rather be less popular...and stand up for Jesus.
Thanks for reminding us.Praise God.
Our God is always good...
He knows...
Tq 4 sharing...I'm encouraged, knowing God is in control of all.
This is indeed a broken world!
Sad but only in Christ we have hope.
God uses our brokenness also for His kingdom.
Hang in there all3...
How can I pray with and for you
In the grip of His grace
hey hugs :)
I guess God allows us to go thru pain and disappointment...
I agree with Sheena, God uses our brokenness :)
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