2 days to a change of digits
2 days to BK Seminar
79 days to A & S's Special Day
95 days to PTK
143 days to 7th year
180 days to Cambodia (TCF)
254 days to Cambodia Medical Mission (GMC)
297 days left 4 me to meet the person
Today's reading of Our Daily Bread, with the topic "Reminders". Look at how God repeated His lesson to me...haha... He's reminding me that He will always remind me and I want to be reminded, especially the height which I have fallen, and that I owe Him every second of my life.
I was reading using my Alkitab...so here are the verses for today...some of it only lah...
"Oleh itu, berusahalah sebaik-baiknya supaya kamu tetap percaya kepada Kristus, mengamalkan hidup baik, dan juga mengetahui kehendak Allah.....Oleh itu, saudara-saudaraku, berusahalah lebih keras lagi supaya panggilan Allah dan pilihan-Nya atas diri kamu itu menjadi suatu pengalaman yang kekal..." (2 Petrus 1:5,10a)

Then, some thoughts came to my mind...about the parable of the Lost Sheep....which was Monday's reading of Our Daily Bread...this is my story.
There was once a sheep in the herds of sheep and the Shepherd was tending away. As the sheep was feeding on the grasses, she went further and further away because the grass tasted good. Soon, the sheep was away from my Shepherd and though she was lost from the rest of the sheep and my Shepherd, the grass was too good for me to care too much until the sheep realised that she ate too much grass and it messes up her whole stomach system.
On the other hand, the Shepherd when realising that one of His sheep was not there. Quickly He left the rest of the sheep in order to search for this one lost sheep. Slowly, He called His sheep but His sheep did not respond because she was too obsessed with her grass.
When the Shepherd found His lost sheep, He did not run and catch the sheep, but slowly and carefully and gently, He watched and follow the sheep so that He will not lose the sheep again. Gently He called upon the sheep till the sheep realised her mistake and recognised the Shepherd's voice.
As the sheep approaches the Shepherd, lovingly the Shepherd embraced her and carried her back to the rest of the sheep.
Kyom sabai!
I was reading using my Alkitab...so here are the verses for today...some of it only lah...
"Oleh itu, berusahalah sebaik-baiknya supaya kamu tetap percaya kepada Kristus, mengamalkan hidup baik, dan juga mengetahui kehendak Allah.....Oleh itu, saudara-saudaraku, berusahalah lebih keras lagi supaya panggilan Allah dan pilihan-Nya atas diri kamu itu menjadi suatu pengalaman yang kekal..." (2 Petrus 1:5,10a)

Then, some thoughts came to my mind...about the parable of the Lost Sheep....which was Monday's reading of Our Daily Bread...this is my story.
There was once a sheep in the herds of sheep and the Shepherd was tending away. As the sheep was feeding on the grasses, she went further and further away because the grass tasted good. Soon, the sheep was away from my Shepherd and though she was lost from the rest of the sheep and my Shepherd, the grass was too good for me to care too much until the sheep realised that she ate too much grass and it messes up her whole stomach system.
On the other hand, the Shepherd when realising that one of His sheep was not there. Quickly He left the rest of the sheep in order to search for this one lost sheep. Slowly, He called His sheep but His sheep did not respond because she was too obsessed with her grass.
When the Shepherd found His lost sheep, He did not run and catch the sheep, but slowly and carefully and gently, He watched and follow the sheep so that He will not lose the sheep again. Gently He called upon the sheep till the sheep realised her mistake and recognised the Shepherd's voice.
As the sheep approaches the Shepherd, lovingly the Shepherd embraced her and carried her back to the rest of the sheep.
The sheep was me and the Shepherd was and is God. Guess what were the grasses? It can represent many things in our lives e.g. our sins, pleasure of the world, treasure of the world, leisure of the world and everything else that take over God's place in our lives. Everything else in the world look more interesting than what God had to offer and we were soon drifted apart from what is real and the truth.
What did the Bible say?
"I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance" (Luke 15:7)
Now...this was my thoughts....
I do not want to be put back into the herds of sheep and just continue eating grass and that's all I do. I would like to walk side by side with my Shepherd and help Him find the other lost sheep. This is what I would like...want to do.
Though this few days I do feel a little down but...part of me I'm excited and happy for many things that is to come... *smile*
What did the Bible say?
"I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance" (Luke 15:7)
Now...this was my thoughts....
I do not want to be put back into the herds of sheep and just continue eating grass and that's all I do. I would like to walk side by side with my Shepherd and help Him find the other lost sheep. This is what I would like...want to do.
Though this few days I do feel a little down but...part of me I'm excited and happy for many things that is to come... *smile*
Kyom sabai!
1 comment:
Hi there,
Are you refeenguk ring to physical jengukking
or blogging jengungking
Every time I go online sure I jenguk ur blog k
Sometimes I just don comment...
See you soon dear
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