71 days to A & S's Special Day
87 days to PTK
135 days to 7th year
172 days to Cambodia (TCF)
246 days to Cambodia Medical Mission (GMC)
289 days left 4 me to meet the person

This is the 6th day of my mid 1st semester holiday and like always, time passes when you just wish it would stay a little longer.
I still can't get over the most celebrated birthday I ever had in the 30 years of my life and it was a total complete birthday. 6 times of celebration and 1 more to come. Seven!!! Wow!
Why complete? I got to celebrate with all the important people in my life.
I still can't get over the most celebrated birthday I ever had in the 30 years of my life and it was a total complete birthday. 6 times of celebration and 1 more to come. Seven!!! Wow!
Why complete? I got to celebrate with all the important people in my life.
One, with my same age group small-group friends.
Two, with my prayer meet partners, SL, RT, TSP and PT.
Three, with my colleagues and my beloved students.
Four, with SJ, AYS and AKMJ (in spirit ;>)
Five, with ibu, the whole C3 aunties and the rest of the gang.
Six, with my mom, brother and AL.
....soon, seven, with my small group members.
Oh boy...how do I write what my heart's feeling?
I am just so happy and glad to be back....plus I value the time spent with SJ though I know how tired she was at that moment (this include AYS too who always takes all the trouble to be a wonderful "driver" and no complain) but she gave her most precious time, and as always, I've learned something from her. The value of family.
Time alone with ibu was what I valued the most this holiday in Subang. Haha...for a busy and dedicated lady like her, I treasure the moment spent with her. In silence and quietness, were words no one hears and just the thought of it, makes my heart beats with gladness and put a smile on my face.
Apart from all above, time with my mom and brother in March is something not common...unusual....but this time round, we are together, though in reality, I still do miss my dad and wish my dad is still around. It's the denial of reality.
Life goes on whether I like it or not and I only have two choice, to live or to survive?
....in another word...I have no choice!!!
"I'm living each day for the glory of God!"
"I owe Him this life of mine...no complain!"
I'm so H.A.P.P.Y. !!
I'm so H.A.P.P.Y. !!
I know I am, I'm sure I am
I'm so H.A.P.P.Y. !!
hey hey :)
if i'm not mistaken, seven is a number of completion right?
happy to be a part of your life :)
yeah, let's not just survive. but live every day for HIM :) wat a good reminder on a 'it's-back-to-work-day' :)
Congratulations when you are young and active you have glorious moments. Count your blessings and allow your joy to shine through for others to find God in that joy.
Wow, so many birthday celebrations...
God really loves you dear
You are a precious gem
May everyday be a day of love for Him
p.s- I truly enjoyed my time with u too
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