Teachers to be will be chosen among the best and talented especially in sports. Not everyone can be a teacher even if you are dying to be one. You need to be good even though you only hold a Malaysian Certificate of Education (MCE). One thing, teachers of those days are not well paid. Enough just to support himself moderately.

I cannot say much about teachers of those days but what are teachers in present days? Listen to this carefully, "You better study hard. If not, you'll end up becoming a teacher." This was what I heard many years back. What happened to the standards of teachers? Are teachers among the lowest rating in the job industries? Why a last option among people?
Teachers in the present days are like odd workers. We teach, do counseling, collect money, issue receipts, prepare minutes, do statistics, create lesson using technologies, photocopies all kinds of materials, in charge of various jobs during school events, invigilate exams etc.
Principals wants his fame and teachers work like crazy. Principals wants 100% passes in all subjects and teachers teach like crazy. Principals wants a well maintain and clean school and teachers clean the school like crazy. Principals wants more fund and teachers ask money like crazy. Principals wants an excellent school based event and teachers/students running here and there like crazy. In the end of the day....the principal are happy and all the teachers are dead .... like crazy.
Teaching is not a respectable job in the present days. Teachers get blamed for all mistakes, it does not matter whose fault. Teachers opinions are just a teacher's opinion and it shall remain a teacher's opinion. Talk much and you shall much be black listed. Do much and you shall be given more to do.
These are all viewed from the eyes of the secular world. Teaching is a horrible job, you work like crazy, you work until you are dead.

Let us take a look at teaching from the eyes of a God's child.
Teaching is a noble profession chosen by the One above for special people only.
Teaching teaches us to be patience when handling students, colleagues and higher authorities. Teaching teaches us to be like Lord Jesus, many people would not like us but we will endure the race for the sake of the God given mission.
Teaching teaches us to be responsible towards our job that one day we will be able to be a responsible citizen of Heaven.
Teaching teaches us to persevere when times are tough, when things goes the wrong ways, when we are wrongly accused...when the going gets tough, the tough gets going.
Teaching teaches us to pray all the time...not only for ourselves but for our students, colleagues and everyone involved one way or another in education line.
Teaching teaches us to be submissive towards higher authorities even though we may not like their management because indeed they were chosen by God as well.
Teaching teaches us to work as if we are working for God and not for men so that we could give all glory to Him in the end of the day.
Teaching teaches us to have faith in our Father when our work and people seems impossible to deal with.
Teaching teaches us to love one another, to love those whom God loves....that includes everyone especially colleagues who are always stabbing our back, students who raises his hands against us because he was given warnings against smoking and higher authorities who scolded us in front of dozens of students for something everyone is responsible.
Teaching teaches us to be humble when a job is done successfully that only God might receive all the praises...not mine, but Thy will be done.
Teaching teaches us admit our weaknesses, work on our strengths that comes from God in order for work to be done.
Teaching teaches us to forgive and pray for those who hurt us.
Teaching teaches us to be witnesses for Him in the midst of this broken society.
Teaching teaches us to be followers of Jesus in everything we do and say.
Our Lord Jesus is our perfect teacher who teaches us how to live as a teacher.
May He will be done upon us as we continue to serve Him in this ministry of teaching.

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