Today shall be the last day of me writing on this blog for this year. As I have written, it has been a wonderful year despite all the challenges I had to face. Like many of you, I know that in everything, God is with me, working within me, molding me each day with His skillful Potter's hands.

I look forward to another year....2009....in a few hours time. Like every year since I came to Miri, I will be spending my new year eve in the church with all my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, worshiping, singing songs of praise and pray...and not forget, thanking Him above for all through this year.

For because of my heavenly Father, I can now look towards a brighter future. I do not know what my future will be but I know it is in my Father's hands. May our lives be focused on Him alone and may everything we do be for His glory alone. More of Him and less of us. To God be the glory great things He had done in our lives through 2008.
Thank you, Lord!

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