It is almost the end of the year 2008. This year saw the changed in my life. My life was turned 180 degrees. I used to focus a lot on my ownself, my own life, my own dreams, my own visions, my own lifestyle, my ways....but through all that I have been through, I know God has a plan for me. He made me learnt from my own choices, my own mistakes. I am weakened but made strong by His strength, I am lost but now am found, I am sinful but made clean by His blood, I am down but He lifted me up with His mighty hands, I felt hopeless but He gave me hope through His love, I gave up on life but He gave me up to I am a new person....

This year brought many challenges to my life as well. I was faced with PTK exam for the 2nd time on my birthday. Like usual, I studied real hard but in the end of it, I surrendered it to God. Praise be to God that I finally finished my PTK Tahap 1. You know how much I hated exams.

Now...the good thing...the nice thing in year 2008. Hmm...I bought myself an electric guitar within an affordable price which I am quite happy about it and I get to play it in the church...plucking style....during the prayer meeting. I am happy to be able to finally play guitar in a group though it is only during prayer meeting. I enjoyed every moment of it. I am very thankful to God for these fingers I have. Not a pro but music came out of it still...hehe.
2nd...finally...I need not deal with money anymore from the church. At least I don't need to shake and break my brain when trying to figure out where, when, how, why about the money. Everything has been passed over to another person and next year, I could focused fully on Sunday School (Sekolah Minggu)....but I am still wondering where to get Sekolah Minggu teachers??? My job God has given me for next year. A new responsibilities, a new challenge, a new trust...not easy but it is not impossible as well. All for the glory of God....for the children God cares.
3rd...which are very materialistic....managed to get myself a laptop, 3G Celcom internet and glasses for my glaring problem. All very satisfying...I mean affordable price and good quality. of the best of mentor finally became my ibu and my ibu came to Miri on her birthday. Buying present for someone much older than me and someone whom I don't live with it's not easy. You do not actually know what they like or dislike. Took me weeks to think about it...believe it or not....believe it....I even prayed about pathetic of me. I finally decided to buy a soft toy but the one I wanted, they do not have it, so just do with what they have which actually the same thing but with a different shape and extra colour. Curious?? Ok...I wanted a lamb (it was really cute) but I ended up with a cow (quite cute also but lamb was better). best of all...I finally managed to spend time with my ibu, and 3 aunties (calling them aunties make them sounds old....but they are not actually that's a form of respect). I can't remember the last time I stayed was years after my STPM examination?? Maybe... That is like year 1999 or was it 2000? Somewhere there. Oh, how much I misses them without me realizing it all these years. I was very very glad to see them again and able to spend some time with them. How could I forget everything that happened during my 4 days there? Four seems like one when you are enjoying every moment of it. Everywhere I go and everything I do, I have regrets for things I should do and things I should not be doing.

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