Today is the 7th day in this land of no turtles...Kuala Terengganu...my hometown. I thought I would be seeing rain the 1st day I stepped down from the plane but God is so good. It was about 4 days of sunshine. Instead, it was raining in KL/PJ. That should not be right. Normally in the month of November and December (and sometimes till January), it will be raining non-stop and I could hardly see any sunshine in East Coast of Penisular but well, things turn out differently this year.

Yeah, let's talk about my stay in USJ. It was a memorable one since I last visited that place years ago. Things did not change much but people change. People whom I have not seen for such a long time, frankly, they are "growing". Time flies without me realizing. I am obviously "growing" too, though looks are so deceiving. Fish is a word I would not forget about this trip for the rest of my life. Friendship is what I cherished. Caring is what I admired. Presence is what I will miss. May I have more chances to be with people sometimes I take for granted. I did not take any photos. I have no idea why... just did not take any. Somehow regretted it.

Now, back to the Land of No Turtles. Weather is back to what it should be, cold, chilly, gloomy, windy...rainy. I like this weather but clothes will take a long time to dry. I will try to take more photos soon...

ps : Skies were taken at about 5pm. It is gloomy but windy and chilly.
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