Last Thursday was our Special Education Year End Luncheon at Dynasty Hotel. This year I managed to eat until full. We so much extra time...even after I was busy with my students and prizes and doing to MC stuff. Students were really well-behaved this year, actually most of the time. They were really lovely students. Yeah, talking about eating. Last time, when it comes to buffet, I used to be able to eat 3 to 4 rounds but seems like nowadays I only managed to eat 1 and a half rounds. *sigh* good...I love to eat but my stomach just couldn't coorperate with me. I tried again last night...*sigh*...still the sad...the food was so tempting though but I only managed to admire the deliciousness of it.

One part of the sermon today caught my attention. It's about bomoh. Pastor was sharing about his conversation with a bomoh who became a Christian. Pastor was asking if it was correct that a Christian who is strong in their faith will never get charmed or harm by the doings of bomoh? The bomoh said yes and instead, the charmed/harm will hit back to the person who did it to us. Just like a mirror. So, we really need to e strong in our faith. Btw, today's sermon is about loving those whom God loves...that includes everyone and read this properly....IT ALL STARTS WITH LOVING OURSELVES. If we failed to love ourselves, we will never be able to love others. Love covers over a multitude of sins. When love exist, the evil shall never prevail. One more thing, when someone hurt you, remember that God loves them too and because God loves them, we need to show love to them too. Pay evil with good and things will be different. What a better world it would be if everyone could practice this.
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