I was taking my lunch with my friends at Boulevard after a visit to Jom Heboh. We sat at a side table facing the open space view outside. It's like a small garden with lots of trees and plants...flowers too. This view should have looked very peaceful and lovely but to my surprised, the view was polluted with many young people, some as young as primary 6 if I'm not wrong...maybe younger. What are they doing ? Smoking...taking a puff...Boys and girls, all alike.

Some of them were students I taught long ago. Some of them, I know their parents. Many others I have no idea who they are. It's such an ugly sight. These children/youth are the future generations but are there any future ? The future is clouded by their smokes. The whole future is gone if nothing is done. Are you waiting till a child as young as 3 years old, starting to smoke??
Parents!!!! Where are you ? Do you know what are your children doing out there or you couldn't care less ? Are you so busy with finding $$$$$ that you forgot about your own flesh and blood ? How would your reaction be if you were to look right before you, your child so young and fragile is SMOKING ? Blame it on yourselves if you too are smokers. No wonder your child smokes.

Adults!!!! Why are you so selfish ? Why are you killing the innocents ? You smoke, we die and you say, "Look, even those who doesn't smoke die earlier than us". You smokers, are the killer of all the innocents. You took the 1st hand smoke, we breathe all the 2nd hand smoke. Not from one smokers, but from many smokers. You think it has nothing to do with us but YES!!! IT HAS MANY TO DO WITH US.
Do you think that the smoke just stays at one place when you puff it out ??? You #@&%@...the smoke fills the air, it travels. Your blinded eyes just couldn't see it because you are so selfish. All the chemicals from your body will be transfered to your child, you make them sick, you lessen their antibody, you made them stupid. You gave a lousy testimony that smoking is fine. It's mind your own business thing. %#&@#$ those who created cigarettes.

Smokers!!!! Since you love cigarettes so much which contains all kinds of chemicals, why don't you just take the original chemical itself. Another idea, why don't you just go behind the bus, go to the exhause and inhale all the smoke from it. It saves you lots of $$$$..its free. Then you don't have to work so hard to find more $$$$ to support your stupid smoking habit.
Conclusion...it's still very sad sad thing to watch these children/youth smoking at such a young age when they don't realised the danger of it all. The tobacco company is making so much money whereas they will start to spend so much money even before they starts to work. When their mind...brain are supposed to be developing fast...it slows down due to the smoke they inhale.
God, have mercy upon this broken, confused generations.
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