A asked,"What is your religion? Are you a Christian?".
B replied,"I'm not Christian, I'm a follower of Jesus".
A said,"But you too go to church...it's the same".
B replied,"No, I don't go to church. Church is just a building. We meet up in small groups in someone's house. What's the point of going to a big building and do nothing there...Jesus asked us to go and make disciples/followers of Him, baptizing them, not sit in a big building and make busy the whole day there".
A laugh and said, " This is false teaching".
I was speechless, but my brain starts its thinking engine. Every part of my brain was moving and working real hard. Questions..."Is this true?", "Am I spending too much time in the church?", "Is this some kind of false teaching?", "Is going to church a waste of time?", "Is ministry in the church not making disciples as well?", "What's my stand on this statement?", "Should I disagree completely?".....questions...questions...questions... for days. Thinking...thinking....thinking... for days too.
Christianity is not a religion, it's more than that. It's a relationship that one has with God. Christian = followers of Jesus Christ.

Church is not the building or place, it's brothers and sisters in Christ that come together. Church is you and I come together in fellowship through our Lord Jesus Christ. I greatly agree with this and what's the point of building big, huge, marvelous, high technology building which we call "church" when there are so many Christian who meet secretly in order to have fellowship which we call "underground church"? Christians in cities are spending millions to upgrade their "church" when there's a cripple man outside who has not eaten for days and lives in a shack, when a small house that was built to have fellowship was torn down by the authorities because they said it's not legal.
The Great Commission is definately true and many of us, Christian, lack of it. We are quite selfish when it comes to salvation. We feel safe, happy, secure because we know we have that salvation but hardly think about those we meet everyday, those surrounding us everywhere we go. We could hardly care about them, as long as me and my house whole, we are save.
Well, let's remember that our home is in Heaven....what we do here, on earth, will bring impact in the later life. Followers of Jesus is who we are, fellowship is what we need in order to bring out the Great Commission.
Matthew 28:19-20 "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them
to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always,
to the very end of the age."
to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always,
to the very end of the age."
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