A school I studied in for 7 years. The school is situated by the seaside..next to a palace and by the roadside. It is divided into two parts because we had a huge compound. One is called the "old block" and the other is called the "new block". The old block has about 10 blocks altogether plus a hall, a canteen and a wide empty space for weekly assembly. The new block has 2 blocks of 3 storeys each plus a canteen. Both old and new blocks has ample parking spaces for both students and teachers. Motorbikes parked under a roof sheltered from sun and rain. This school has a large field just beside the sea...I mean quite near the sea...after the concrete wall, jump/climb over it and lo and behold...it is the beach. Beautiful. The field has a standard stadium field. It has a domitary for both girls and boys...big..but the food sucks...even the cat does not want to eat it. There goes the government's money into someone's pocket.
It is a one session school. School starts at 0720 hours till 1400 hours with two different recess time. This school has about 2000+ students with each class not more than 35 students in each class but I had the priviledge to study in a class of 17 when I was in Form 6. Cool...so close...so few...so family.
There are only four sport houses in this school with the name I cannot remember....Laksamana, Paduka, ....erm...forgotten. Anyway, the normal colour house, green, blue, yellow and red. Each students will be given a "house" in Form 1 and stays with him/her till he/she finishes school. Even the school t-shirt is according to our houses. We "fight" to collect as much points as we can in all sports events and activities because each sports/activities will carry points for our houses. E.g. :During Sukan Tara, when we run in the 100 metres, if we are able to finish the run within 1 minutes, we can collect 4 points, if 1 and half minutes 3 points and so on. The same goes with others like long jump, lontar peluru, even Merentas Desa has points if you are able to finish the race within 1 hour. Everything, as long as it is sports, has point for your house. So, each one is very important in collecting points for his/her house.
Merentas Desa or Cross Country is something I enjoyed very much in this school which I did not even miss once this event. Not that I am a runner but I just love it because I am sure I can at least get one point for my house and I love to run (walk) on the beach. Yes, half we run by the roadside, then into housing area...on the beach and lastly on the concrete fence...YES...we have to walk on the fence before we can reach our school. It was fun.
During the Sport's Day, most of the time I will be in the marching team for St John Ambulance and then as a first aider. Before the Sport's Day, we will be trainning very hard under the sun for our marching that we will turn out well and in hope that we will win the marching competition. We had to "fight" against the army and police team which are very good because they are trainned by the army force....not fair. Even so, in 1994, we managed to win beating all the rest. That was the one and only victory because after that year, the members we lazy and from the trainning, I knew we will never make it again. Lines were not straight enough, hands were not of the same level....one actually need to use a little bit of brain during marching and concentration is very important. It is very smart if the team did it nicely. Anyway, because of that one time winning, we had a high reputation. Thanks to a very dedicated teacher...Puan Jumilah Dahlan. She did a great job and she was very commited. I pay tribute to her here.
Extra co-curicular activities is compulsory to all students and each students need to join 1 club, 1 uniform body and 1 sports. We are free to choose what we wanted to join and all these activities will be carried out only in 1st semester. 2nd semester is concentrated on academic except for some "exclusive" ones like...hehe...St John Ambulance...hehe... In my lifetime in this school, I was in the English Club for 5 years, Economic Club for 2 years (dead), Archery Club for 2 years, Hockey Club for 2 years, St John Ambulance for 5 years and PBSM (St John's rival...I'm still not a fan of PBSM) for 2 years (dead). Different activities are run on different day.
Prize giving day...one thing which I am never involved in because....hmm....I was a so-so students. Prize is given to students with the best 3 results in the whole form and it is given only a year after because marks will be counted for 2 semester's examination. Not easy, you have to be really really good.
Assembly is something nobody likes because we had to stand in the open air and under the morning sun for almost an hour with 98% of nonsense talk and sandflies which bites...real itchy that I had to rub some insect repellent before I go for assembly. Rain is what we always hope for...haha....and then when it gets heavier....RUN!!!!! Everyone will be running to get some shelter and assembly dismiss...yay!
Public examination was done in the hall for PMR and SPM but during our STPM, we had to sit it in the classroom because the hall was being used by SPM. STPM has less students. Before STPM examination, we helped the teachers arranged the classroom and paste the table label...chose our best table and chair because we already know where we are sitting...hehe.
School was never fun when I was in school but looking back, somehow I had some kind of fun that I will never have it again now. Those were the days....lost and gone...but only memories, both good and bad.
hahaha there's only 14 in my form 6 class now =P XD
oh ok...cool...SS is so different now.
SMKSS! I ought to go pay a visit the next time I'm back, oh the memories ;)
Hey,I have not been there since the day I went to collect my STPM cert. Ajak me along if anyone are going there...Wonder which teachers are still left there...hmm...
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