21 days to Cambodia (TCF)
95 days to Cambodia Medical Mission (GMC)
137 days left 4 me to meet the person
Sayorn suo sdey!
This is the time of the year again!
It's time for Cambodia!!!
Working for Cambodia-TCF and Cambodia-GMC at the same time can be quite confusing for my single-minded mind but so far so good. =)
Starting to feel a little anxious or maybe excited? ...haha... whatever it is... I'm really looking forward to the 2 trips this year.

Some team members from TCF are the same with addition of new team members...I thank God for many men this time round. It's really my prayer to see more men rising up to take the lead rather than just the follower.
Team of GMC are all different from last year except our team leader....quite a challenge for me as I don't think we have young people with us and not many ladies...arghhh....I don't like it. Why? I don't want to lead the Children Ministry!!! Tapi ku pasrah kalau itu kehendak-Nya.
Thinking back...I remember what I said once upon a time when I was still in my youth. I always have this dream of becoming missionary in Cambodia or the Philippines, but hmm, it does not seem to be my calling...but...His calling now is so much better. I'm a teacher and I am also a "part-time missionary"...haha... this is so cool!

Then, I remember what I've said last year. I was not keen at all for Cambodia mission. This was what I told people, "It is too expensive and with the money I spent on Cambodia mission, I could go to the interior of Sarawak to do mission the least 4 TIMES! And why go to the other country when we have not even finished reaching out in our own land!"
Look at how God dealt with my "pride"!
Today, I laughed at myself and were ashamed of my own words. Who do I think I am? I do not know what a MIGHTY GOD I am serving.
God broke my "pride" when He sort of "force" me to join TCF Cambodia mission. He knows who I will not say "No!" matter how stubborn I may be.
That 1st trip to Cambodia changed my whole heart and perspective towards Cambodia. The Genocide Museum and the Killing Fields were the peak of everything. I realised how the people of the past and present and future were...are crying out for a "future". There's nothing more than the need of Christ. HE IS THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE!
In reality, there's nothing much I can do for them but I believe with the little that God has given me and with that little I offer to them, God will be able to multiply it and make it great. After all, these are His people, His nation...His very heart.

By His grace and will, TCF-Cambodia will be my 3rd trip and GMC-Cambodia will be my 4th.
If He still calls, there shall be more "th" and "rd"...hehe...
But, right now...I need to move and settle down in the new house first before anything else...
With so many things to settle...I'm learning to surrender everything unto Him...if not, I really can't get my brain to focus.
Lea sen hawy!
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