28 days to Cambodia (TCF)
102 days to Cambodia Medical Mission (GMC)
144 days left 4 me to meet the person
Suo Sdey!
Time flies....time zooms....time passes by faster than the blink of an eye.
I just would like to share a little of my work in the school which I am still at the very basic of it and have no intention to go any further...maybe just a little bit further than now but never to the advance stage.
See the title above and what the heck is that? Exactly! It carries no meaning except comma, full stop, question mark and etc...I still can't master all the punctuation.
Ok...normally after school, I'll be finishing some writing of Braille in Bahasa Malaysia, English and Maths. No, I am not specialized in Visually Impaired but I do have one student who are visually impaired. So, I took the initiative to learn basic Braille so that this student, who is actually quite smart, would be able to read some writings and do some simple maths.

This is called the "slate" with 100gm A4 paper, the normal pen with rounded tip, the simple story I finished writing in Braille today...
In the beginning, I did not even have the slate to help me write in Braille. I was just using pen and normal 70gm A4 paper but the dots were not very neat and exact and my fingers hurt. I was only able to complete limited writings and I did not do it everyday. Student will just have to make do with whatever she had and because it was an ordinary and 70gm type of paper, the dots wear out very fast and I need to rewrite it so the dots can be felt.

This is how I write using the slate, the paper is upside down and write from right to left...everything need to be the opposite...
There's actually 6 holes at the bottom of the slate. So, I just need to punch the hole using the pen and tah-da!! get an alphabet in Braille...simple..
Then, I was able to borrow a slate from one of my colleagues till this day. Whoa, I was so thankful. It does a great help to my fingers and I was able to write it at a faster speed, thus able to finish more writings in a day. At first I changed to using normal 80gm A4 paper but it was still not very good. I upgraded it to normal 100gm A4 paper this time round, it was a little better but not thick enough as not to make small holes when dots were made. The Braille paper cost too much and I don't think I could get it here in Miri. Anyway, something is better than nothing.

See the tiny holes on some of the dots? That's what I meant by the paper is not thick enough but ok-lah. Still readable...
So far, I had taught her alphabets and numbers. I wrote time tables for her to memorize, words in BM and English for her to read and now, I'm trying to come up with simple stories in English for her. I've done two books and will search for next book....maybe I'll try a few in BM as well. These are all in basic Braille...not even into intermediate yet. Again, something is better than nothing at all.

The finish product of my afternoon in school...the title...Tom's Dog, Snug is a Bug...etc...
As a people who can see, please don't read using your fingers...use your can see.
Let the blind read using their fingers..haha..
I would appreciate so much if the government could supply for us at least one Braille machine. It helps me and the student. Now, the student are only learning to read but I tried teaching her to write using the slate. It was difficult because when using the slate, you need to write it the opposite of the real alphabet. Normal Braille alphabet is already confusing to her, what more writing it opposite.
Anyway, it's kind of interesting and fun, though a little hurting to the fingers....and brain....hehe...
Next..... SIGN LANGUAGE???
I must learn this seriously but I was discipline enough.
1 comment:
Nice post ...remind me of my visits to Jalan Gurney and some other schools in Sarawak...
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