1 day to St Joe Teachers' Day
1 day to mission to SMK Suai, Miri
4 days to Christian Teachers' Day, S'wak
30 days to Miri TCF Teachers' Day
38 days to 7th year
75 days to Cambodia (TCF)
149 days to Cambodia Medical Mission (GMC)
191 days left 4 me to meet the person
Looking at my Countdown, I realised one thing, I do have mission to accomplish. I do not want to live each day not knowing what my missions are or like drifting along with the flow of life. As much as we are called the followers of our Lord Jesus, I would love to really follow His steps, to know my mission and to have my mission accomplish, so that at the end of it, I can say that, "My work on Earth is done".

But then, how come it become my mission and not His mission? *think*
I think I should be saying that it is His mission passed down to me to accomplish it. Not that He can't do it Himself but, why did He let us do His mission? I mean He could have done it Himself, so much faster. I do not have the answer to this whys that could go on for eternity but I can only think of one possibility, it's all out of love for us, so that we can be like Him.
Example : Why did our mother let us wash the dishes when she can do it herself, cleaner and faster and her way? It's the same, so that we learn, and we can be like her one day, knowing how to wash dishes. Something like-lah. Hehe...not a very good example but bolehlah.

I still can't stop thinking about the Wee's. I am still very touched and encouraged by the Wee's. Joy, at a tender age of 26, she is simply so matured and I am ashamed. Their faith, I could not help but give thanks to God. Such strong faith...a little bit more and it shall move the mountain. Again, I am ashamed.
What's the complain? It's when we have nothing, that's when we have everything.

Peace I do not ask, but faithfulness to face challenges.
Weaknesses is all I have, but Your joy shall be my strength.
You turned me round and give me life of no regrets.
What more could I ask, for You have given me Your very self...on that cruel cruel cross...which was supposed to be me there.
Oh, Lord, how so much I do not deserve, but yet You give.
I am so blessed by You!
Thank You!

But then, how come it become my mission and not His mission? *think*
I think I should be saying that it is His mission passed down to me to accomplish it. Not that He can't do it Himself but, why did He let us do His mission? I mean He could have done it Himself, so much faster. I do not have the answer to this whys that could go on for eternity but I can only think of one possibility, it's all out of love for us, so that we can be like Him.
Example : Why did our mother let us wash the dishes when she can do it herself, cleaner and faster and her way? It's the same, so that we learn, and we can be like her one day, knowing how to wash dishes. Something like-lah. Hehe...not a very good example but bolehlah.

I still can't stop thinking about the Wee's. I am still very touched and encouraged by the Wee's. Joy, at a tender age of 26, she is simply so matured and I am ashamed. Their faith, I could not help but give thanks to God. Such strong faith...a little bit more and it shall move the mountain. Again, I am ashamed.
What's the complain? It's when we have nothing, that's when we have everything.

Peace I do not ask, but faithfulness to face challenges.
Weaknesses is all I have, but Your joy shall be my strength.
You turned me round and give me life of no regrets.
What more could I ask, for You have given me Your very self...on that cruel cruel cross...which was supposed to be me there.
Oh, Lord, how so much I do not deserve, but yet You give.
I am so blessed by You!
Thank You!
Nice photos!!
their faith - NOW can move mountains already! Bible says faith as small as a mustard seed cukup already ma :)
Joy is a very JOYFUL person, one year my junior in school, and we were in the same Literature class. Enjoyed her company in Lit class last time - her joy is shown all over her face, her entire being - just so JOYFUL! Her parents named her well - JOY!
you haven't met her bro, Joash who passed away. Was studying at Taylors or Inti. He's like a big bro to the others in youth, an extremely talented musician and worship leader. Very sincere, nice, outgoing, polite guy.
All of them very well brought up, I would say. That must be our aim when you and I become PARENTS - to bring up GODLY OFFSPRING!
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