1 day to PTK TK 2
2 days to Sipitang, Kundasang, Sandakan, Tenom..."Sabah, here we come!!!"
16 days to St Joe Teachers' Day
16 days to mission to SMK Suai, Miri
19 days to Christian Teachers' Day, S'wak
45 days to Miri TCF Teachers' Day
53 days to 7th year
90 days to Cambodia (TCF)
164 days to Cambodia Medical Mission (GMC)
206 days left 4 me to meet the person
I know I am not supposed to be here right now, but, I am still here because I can't stopped myself from writing after a week.
Just a short one because I don't want to feel too guilty of not doing something which I am supposed to do and doing something that I am not supposed to do.
It's "panic attack" season with PTK just one more day to go. "NOOOO!!!!"
I think I will know the answer but yet, I think I might not be able to answer it. Arghh...my brain is twisting.
Haha...anyway...this is just "opening ceremony speech".
I saw double rainbow one of the days when I was back in my hometown. You don't know how much I love rainbows and you don't know why I love it so much. Ignore me when I look so fascinated with it...staring like I've never seen one.

Rainbow is a reminder of God to me...err...us...whoeverlah...of the promises of God unto us. Not just during Noah's time but I'm sure God had promises for you too, right? When I see the rainbow, God will repeat all His promises to me, telling me that, "I do not forget my promises to you".
It gives you hope and know that He is there walking with us through the unknown and curious future. Nothing is greater than knowing our lives belongs to Him and you know this song??
Just a short one because I don't want to feel too guilty of not doing something which I am supposed to do and doing something that I am not supposed to do.
It's "panic attack" season with PTK just one more day to go. "NOOOO!!!!"
I think I will know the answer but yet, I think I might not be able to answer it. Arghh...my brain is twisting.
Haha...anyway...this is just "opening ceremony speech".
I saw double rainbow one of the days when I was back in my hometown. You don't know how much I love rainbows and you don't know why I love it so much. Ignore me when I look so fascinated with it...staring like I've never seen one.

Rainbow is a reminder of God to me...err...us...whoeverlah...of the promises of God unto us. Not just during Noah's time but I'm sure God had promises for you too, right? When I see the rainbow, God will repeat all His promises to me, telling me that, "I do not forget my promises to you".
It gives you hope and know that He is there walking with us through the unknown and curious future. Nothing is greater than knowing our lives belongs to Him and you know this song??
"It's no longer I that liveth but Christ that liveth in me...."
"Hidupku bukannya aku lagi, tapi Yesus dalamku..."
"Hidupku bukannya aku lagi, tapi Yesus dalamku..."
Alright..time to get back into my no nerdy self....erghh...
All...everything...brain go ga-ga...haha...
All...everything...brain go ga-ga...haha...
haha. i was just reading this from genesis this morning. of the rainbow. I could imagine a lil of how God's heart broke when He made the promise; knowing that HE will have to witness all the brokenness, pain and sin that will continue to go on in the world.
and yeah, rainbows are a reminder of the COVENANT GOD who sticks to His Word, unlike us mortals who easily break our promises to people :)
jia you! jia you! keeping u in prayer :)
You wont believe it...
Andrew and I just love rainbows.
We cherish one whenever we see it
Anyways greetings from Bali
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