Done with St Joe Teachers' Day
Done with mission to SMK Suai, Miri
0 day to Christian Teachers' Day, S'wak
26 days to Miri TCF Teachers' Day
34 days to 7th year
71 days to Cambodia (TCF)
145 days to Cambodia Medical Mission (GMC)
187 days left 4 me to meet the person
St Joe Teachers' Day was the worst in my life history in this school. It does not sound nice for me to say this here but let us not deny the fact of it. Everything was done in a hurry with no sense of appreciation at all. No reading of ikrar hari guru, no singing of hari guru's songs, no photos taken...all we had was our kain batik and food. Should I complain? The answer is "NO". Why? Because nothing done for men will last but, what is done for Christ, that's what matters most and it shall last for eternity. It's not the reward of men that we are seeking but, simply just to bring glory unto Him through our calling as teachers. Praise be unto Him who had given us everything we do not even deserve.

My highlight for today...mission to SMK Suai. In this floating mind, throbbing head and flu that almost subside, I eagerly want to share with you how the Holy Spirit had been working so greatly in the camp at SMK Suai, some an hour drive from Miri town.

One, the work of the unhappy devil. Each one of us seem to face many challenges before and during, and after the mission. We were discouraged, in physical pain, spiritually wrestling with God, commitment of work and etc...but yet, each of us fought through each and everyone of them, arriving safely and returning safely. We gave no chance for the unhappy one to win because we know "...the joy of our Lord shall be our strength". It's when we are weak, that's what He shall be strong.

Two, the work of the happy Holy Spirit. The HS was working greatly in that place. Students were touched, the mission team were touched, the ISCF and YCS teachers' were touched, I was superbly touched. Many shed tears during prayer sessions, some were slain by the HS, all by the work of the HS and by the grace of God. Many rededicated their life to Christ, some accepted Christ for the 1st time in their life and many desire and made commitment to have a turn-a-bout in their spiritual life and life as a student.

Three, unity. We came from different churches, different small-groups and from different backgrounds but God made us work in unity, knowing our responsibilities and helping and supporting each other in words, deeds and prayers.

Four, humility and humbleness. God is teaching me and I am learning and I must learn, and I've learned. It's not my work, it's not I am able, it's not the highlight of's all nothing about me. It's ALL about His work, it's He who is able, even the impossible, it's the highlight of's all EVERYTHING about Him. Less of me and more of Him each second.
Oh, Lord, I am so AMAZED by You!
I can't help it but simply AMAZED by You...
All that You have done, all that You have You have been using us when not a single gift we deserve...
I can't help it but simply PRAISE You over and over again...
There is just no ending to what You are revealing to me, Lord...
Do I deserve any of these after all I've done? I do not, but You gave and You said You will give even more...
Your love touches me to the very depth of my heart and soul.
But my prayers, Lord...are not for me but for them, the students of SMK Suai, that they shall go real far in their spiritual life...real far in life...making a difference in their life...the life of all those surrounding them...and whoever that crosses their path. Make them a people after Your hearts and make them Your most humble disciples in their rumah panjang, in the school and to the ends of the earth.
In the name of Jesus Christ...

My highlight for today...mission to SMK Suai. In this floating mind, throbbing head and flu that almost subside, I eagerly want to share with you how the Holy Spirit had been working so greatly in the camp at SMK Suai, some an hour drive from Miri town.

One, the work of the unhappy devil. Each one of us seem to face many challenges before and during, and after the mission. We were discouraged, in physical pain, spiritually wrestling with God, commitment of work and etc...but yet, each of us fought through each and everyone of them, arriving safely and returning safely. We gave no chance for the unhappy one to win because we know "...the joy of our Lord shall be our strength". It's when we are weak, that's what He shall be strong.

Two, the work of the happy Holy Spirit. The HS was working greatly in that place. Students were touched, the mission team were touched, the ISCF and YCS teachers' were touched, I was superbly touched. Many shed tears during prayer sessions, some were slain by the HS, all by the work of the HS and by the grace of God. Many rededicated their life to Christ, some accepted Christ for the 1st time in their life and many desire and made commitment to have a turn-a-bout in their spiritual life and life as a student.

Three, unity. We came from different churches, different small-groups and from different backgrounds but God made us work in unity, knowing our responsibilities and helping and supporting each other in words, deeds and prayers.

Four, humility and humbleness. God is teaching me and I am learning and I must learn, and I've learned. It's not my work, it's not I am able, it's not the highlight of's all nothing about me. It's ALL about His work, it's He who is able, even the impossible, it's the highlight of's all EVERYTHING about Him. Less of me and more of Him each second.
Oh, Lord, I am so AMAZED by You!
I can't help it but simply AMAZED by You...
All that You have done, all that You have You have been using us when not a single gift we deserve...
I can't help it but simply PRAISE You over and over again...
There is just no ending to what You are revealing to me, Lord...
Do I deserve any of these after all I've done? I do not, but You gave and You said You will give even more...
Your love touches me to the very depth of my heart and soul.
But my prayers, Lord...are not for me but for them, the students of SMK Suai, that they shall go real far in their spiritual life...real far in life...making a difference in their life...the life of all those surrounding them...and whoever that crosses their path. Make them a people after Your hearts and make them Your most humble disciples in their rumah panjang, in the school and to the ends of the earth.
In the name of Jesus Christ...