4 days to CNY
16 days to TCF AGM
31 days to a change of digits
172 days to 7th year
209 days to Cambodia (TCF)
283 days to Cambodia Medical Mission (GMC)
326 days left 4 me to meet the person
Days are soon approaching.
...and soon be gone...
...and will remain a memory.
My brain is in a mess...everything seems to be running at the same time, crossing each other, working double triple harder than usual plus the hot hot weather...
....and *BOOM* sakit kepala.... *sigh*
Forced myself to continue with my workout which I missed for one day? two days?
From Jillian Micheals to Billy Blanks...
..both great fitness instructor... hehe...my online instructor...

I lost weight with Jillian Micheals....I gain fitness with Billy Blanks...
..both make me "die" with their super duper tiring and straining workout...
it's free...you just need internet access and download it to your real player...and wah la...you have some workout to work on. No need to go to the gym and do it at the comfort of your house/room.
it really works...both Jillian Micheals and Billy Blanks.

Billy Blanks train you in Tae Bo. "What's that??"
It's short form for taekwando and boxing...my ever sought after activity.
Sweat it out....lose weight....and gain your muscles...
Secret to fitness....and of course...don't forget "Take care of your food...diet...eating...etc".
Aiyoh...I'm afraid of CNY...it's time when I am tempted to eat and eat and eat...and doing nothing else, only to get FAT!
hey same here :) hols are the time when we eat and are not as active as usual...
happy eating.
I know that you will have a good time with your family...
I thank God that they are still there for you..
I will try to be as fit and active as those two u blogged about but wow.... its gonna be a real challenge
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