I had fulfilled what I've said 2 years ago after my 1st trip to Pa Adang in 2007. I promised that I would return again to this place. Finally, this year, I had the chance to be there once again.
The last time, the journey on our part was difficult. On 4WD for 4 hours and another 4 hours of jungle trek, crossing 5 rivers. This time, journey on our part was easy. On 4WD for roughly 5 hours, plus trying to get out of the mud and jungle trek for only roughly an hour, crossing only 2 rivers.
Aron, the Penan boy, going against the current of the river.
As you can't see, there's a lot of rocks at the bottom...big and small ones
some of us and the Penans crossing the rushing river...
you've got to have strong legs in order to cross it...
if not, you'll be swept away...hehe
Crossing the 2 rivers as we entered into the jungle were easy because water level was low, because there were hardly any rain those few days and the river looks perfect and beautiful but it was not the same on our way out from the jungle. It rained almost every afternoon, evening and night despite us praying for good weather especially the night before we went out. It has to be no rain, if not, the water level might rise up and there's a possibility that we might not be able to cross it. Haha...God is still our God. It rained the whole night, heavy rain. The 1st river were totally different from what we saw on our way in. We prayed before we crossed it. As how God opened way in the sea during Moses' time, I was very sure, He will make a way for us to cross that rushing river. He did...and I am thankful. That goes for the 2nd river too...that was not so bad but the under current was still quite strong.
We had 2 experienced 4WD drivers this time. They were really good and boy, it was not an easy drive....especially the route after crossing over the river. Horrible, terrible and.....vegetable... hehe. But I believed, God was behind every of our journey. Prayer does make a lot of difference. We prayed even harder when we got stuck in the mud and sand and we praised Him for every inch of our perfect journey.
It was nice to meet again with pastors, their wife and family, and also the 2 missionaries including a new one. The kids we met in 2007...most of them had grown up. Some of them moved away. I am really missing them. Almost all of them are attending boarding school. What was left were those small children, in kindergarten.
The church had been shifted to the once upon a time, the classroom. The reason....the old church flooded and it took them a long time to clean the place. They started building new houses for the widows. It's really nice. Built by both Ps Tom and Ps Yahya.
We had the priviledges to celebrate an early Christmas with the villagers and giving them a big makan. We came up with a little skit on the day our Lord Jesus was born and sang a Christmas carol. Our bro Peter had prepared us and all with all that were needed for the whole Christmas celebration, clothes, props and Christmas hats for all. It was wonderful even though not many turned up because of the rainy weather. Those from other villages did not turned up.
me, leading the Sunday service worship...
Siew Ping and Adeline, as my back-up..thanks a lot sisters...
I on the other hand, had the privilege of leading all the worship, Wednesday night meeting, children ministry, Christmas celebration and Sunday service worship. I am not a pro but why did I agree with it anyway? Because of only one reason, I love playing guitar and singing at the same time...not for me but all for the glory of God. For God's sake, I'll do anything because I know when He called, He will also equiped. Indeed He did helped me a lot...it's all a new experience for me plus I had the support of wonderful team members.
Preparing for 3 days children ministry was not easy especially when I had to prepare for my Cambodia mission as well but again, God proved His goodness by giving me ideas just in the nick of time. He came up with 3 Bible stories, the creation, the birth and the cruxifiction. and ressurection. Complete, the most important of all. God created the whole universe, God send His only Son, Jesus Christ to save the world from sin and death, Lord Jesus had to die on the cross so that we could be save and ressurected to show the final victory in the Kingdom of God.
As I needed to come up with 3 craft works that is related to my teaching, He gave me what I needed. Sun glitter with stickers of all He created (I could find all the type of stickers I needed for creation), the thing that you hung on the door on Christmas...I have no idea what's the name and finally, some decor stuff....just look at the picture lah.
It was a sad moment to leave this place once again. I still miss Baa Adang very much...and wondering will I ever have the chance to come back. I didn't want to think of this trip as my last but many more to come because just like Cambodia, it's my heart.
The last time, the journey on our part was difficult. On 4WD for 4 hours and another 4 hours of jungle trek, crossing 5 rivers. This time, journey on our part was easy. On 4WD for roughly 5 hours, plus trying to get out of the mud and jungle trek for only roughly an hour, crossing only 2 rivers.

As you can't see, there's a lot of rocks at the bottom...big and small ones

you've got to have strong legs in order to cross it...
if not, you'll be swept away...hehe
We had 2 experienced 4WD drivers this time. They were really good and boy, it was not an easy drive....especially the route after crossing over the river. Horrible, terrible and.....vegetable... hehe. But I believed, God was behind every of our journey. Prayer does make a lot of difference. We prayed even harder when we got stuck in the mud and sand and we praised Him for every inch of our perfect journey.
It was nice to meet again with pastors, their wife and family, and also the 2 missionaries including a new one. The kids we met in 2007...most of them had grown up. Some of them moved away. I am really missing them. Almost all of them are attending boarding school. What was left were those small children, in kindergarten.
The church had been shifted to the once upon a time, the classroom. The reason....the old church flooded and it took them a long time to clean the place. They started building new houses for the widows. It's really nice. Built by both Ps Tom and Ps Yahya.
We had the priviledges to celebrate an early Christmas with the villagers and giving them a big makan. We came up with a little skit on the day our Lord Jesus was born and sang a Christmas carol. Our bro Peter had prepared us and all with all that were needed for the whole Christmas celebration, clothes, props and Christmas hats for all. It was wonderful even though not many turned up because of the rainy weather. Those from other villages did not turned up.

Siew Ping and Adeline, as my back-up..thanks a lot sisters...
Preparing for 3 days children ministry was not easy especially when I had to prepare for my Cambodia mission as well but again, God proved His goodness by giving me ideas just in the nick of time. He came up with 3 Bible stories, the creation, the birth and the cruxifiction. and ressurection. Complete, the most important of all. God created the whole universe, God send His only Son, Jesus Christ to save the world from sin and death, Lord Jesus had to die on the cross so that we could be save and ressurected to show the final victory in the Kingdom of God.
As I needed to come up with 3 craft works that is related to my teaching, He gave me what I needed. Sun glitter with stickers of all He created (I could find all the type of stickers I needed for creation), the thing that you hung on the door on Christmas...I have no idea what's the name and finally, some decor stuff....just look at the picture lah.
It was a sad moment to leave this place once again. I still miss Baa Adang very much...and wondering will I ever have the chance to come back. I didn't want to think of this trip as my last but many more to come because just like Cambodia, it's my heart.
I am so proud of you my dear...
You are definitely a missionary in the making...
In the grip of His grace
Sheena Jeremiah
To God be all the glory...
There's nothing that I've done..it's all that He has done..
A tent maker in making...hehe...
How are you, Sheena?
just been there lately, kids attending school - 20's. help to repaint church and paving ground with rocks picked from riverside, covere with cement later. other than pastor tom, pastor yaya, we have one extra pastor to help on children ministry. keep up the good work.
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