This is the story of fruits and wild boar...the halal and the non-halal food. Enjoy it here as much as I enjoyed it there...

This is the way we have our meal every day...a big family of God...
Most of the food were taken from Lawas town and transported into the jungle.
My next story will be food purely from the jungle...

Introducing to you, Thomas...the hunter who helped us hunt a wild boar. He was given 5 bullets but he only used one bullet. This is him after the hunt and back with a wild boar.

This wild boar weights about 80-90kg. So, you can imagine how strong he was in carrying this animal all the way from the jungle back to this valley. Look at the way he tied the wild boar, perfection. The Penans were trained since young to walk through the jungle and carry heavy stuff. They are very strong people, that includes the girls and ladies as well, but it is not good for their health.

I was not at this scene, so I have no idea what was he doing but I guess, preparing to slaughter that animal. Suddenly this wild boar does not look so big anymore..haha

The Penan mothers helped us chopped the wild boar and will help us cook for the big makan later in the night in conjunction with Christmas celebration.

Some find this thing yucky. I agree. It look so "gelifying" BEFORE it is cook but it tasted magnificent AFTER it was cooked. Our missionary Mary boiled soup for us. It was fabulous! No picture, so good no one remember to take any photo.

This is the way we and they cooked all our meals, using firewood. That was the reason why food tasted so nice at this place...the tricks...FIREWOODS...

BBQ pork rib...delicious.... It was little too burnt though but still tasted good. I love it!

This is just a sample of cooked pork. We had this for supper. This is not the same wild boar. This was much earlier. The quantity was limited, so we were all rushing for it like we had not eaten for days....except those who were busy doing dunno what...hehe...

This is supposed to be langsat but ok, not so fresh langsat because when I remember to take it, it was already the next day. The new ones? Too nice and too busy eating it. We had lots of langsat during this trip. See how they collected it...

The need to cross over the rivers and climb up the tree to collect the fruits. This is Aron...yes, again...climbing up the tree so naturally.

The girls too, they were the ones collecting langsat for us for few days. Imagine them climbing up the trees. Beautiful people...a unique creation of God. I am amazed.

The wild fruits from the jungle...except the mata kucing, that was from trees planted by one of the pastors.

Don't ask me the name, I don't know. It tasted a little bit like rambutan but not exactly like it. The skin of the fruit is quite hard. The taste...oklah...some sweet, some not so sweet. Anyway, something new to me. Oh yeah, looks like pulasan though.

Aha! This is one fruit I must introduce and recomend. It is actually quite small but I took this picture closed up. The skin is quite soft and opened quite easily. It has seed in the center but it tasted very sweet and juicy. Even though the skin might look a little bit old and rooten but the inside still is perfect. I took lots of this as well. I have never seen this fruit before. I wish they sell it in the market...but too bad...none. Again, don't know the name. *sigh*
-The End-
so graphic la sis... but looks like a WILD adventure you had with the boars!
something i dont think i want to ever try
Evelyn :yeah and I'm missing every moment of it...
Sheena :lol...u know me, I eat anything and everything that one principle..if u can eat,I can eat...haha
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