Today, I would like to blog about unimportant stuff but should be fun having some non serious stuff once in a while. Would love to share with you one thing I did which I've done for the second time...
DRAW for people....
My 1st drawing, I've lost the picture taken. It's a picture of a deer's head, drawn using pencil. Given to....I'll mention his name here since I don't think he reads my blog...WTH... Ok...given to Darryl as his Christmas gift in year 2003. It was drawn out of boredom in the small tiny little room in Kolej Burhanuddin Helmi, the place I stayed while in my 1st year in UKM. I really hope he treasures it as much as I treasured it....still treasuring it though only in my memory.
My 2nd drawing. I hesitate to put the picture on this blog since I've given it away but well, "Jesus say must share!"...hehe... Specially requested by Aunty YXXX SXX. The picture was my own choice. I tried drawing people for her but I can never get the main features correct, the eyes, nose and mouth. So frustrating. Two pictures terbengkalai. No explaination needed because I have the pictures here for you to see.

"So small...can't really see", says you. I agree with you...manalah saya tahu came out here so kecil, it was fine from my computer screen.
"So, how long did you take to finish this?", asked you. Roughly a week or more, can't really remember because excuse me, I don't spend the whole day doing it. I did it mostly close to midnight and ended after midnight, morning lah, roughly one house a day. This is not spontaneous....I am not a pro. I used pencil dulu, then came the pen...last...fill in all the details. Khmer writing is horrible. I salute them who knows how to write. It's so berbelit-belit.
The final product looks oklah...presentable. Well, like I've said, I'm not a pro. SXXXXX's picture was spontenous and what's even greater....drawn on a moving bus....haha... It was not so stressful drawing pictures in an adventerous way.
"When will you draw your 3rd", asked you again. Hmm... *thinking* Will there be the 3rd?
Kalau ada permintaan, adalah penawarannya. Plus...I need to have mood for it. Me "moody" person bah! :P
Chow for today... Flu the whole morning till afternoon... spoilt all my plans for today. *sigh*
Tomorrow....the day to do time d.... but....
"There's time for everything, time to be serious, time to be gila"
Nice drawing la...see kecik kecik nice la..ehehe...a lot of details...i cannot draw like that =)
if i click on the photos, a bigger version will be displayed.
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