A new year has begun. A time for people to do new year resolutions. All my life, I have never done any on my own will. During my school days, I roughly remember a few teachers asked us to write our new year resolutions which are basically very academically orientated. My own personal resolutions ? None! I have never really plan for my future. I just do what I think I need to do and just live one day at a time. Trusting fully in my Heavenly Father for whatever lies ahead.
I do have hopes and dreams though but when I looked back on my own hopes and dreams, none of it will ever come through or maybe not yet or I am too afraid if it ever came through, I don't know but one thing I know, two of my dreams never came through. Hmm...should I share with you here ? One...too private...two...it was always my dream to be involved in creative arts, to be a graphic designer, study in Lim Kok Wing but obviously, it failed. I never got into it and because of that, I partly gave up anything to do with arts. In hope that I could just forget about this dream of mine once upon a time.
I have been thinking about this new year. Should I do a new year resolution or not, knowing that I might not pursue any of it. Then, when I think about what is my new year resolution, it seems that most of it are very materialistic and some say, too worldly. Next, to share it here or not ? Blog is a place where the whole world can read it. Conclusion....I will share some of it here.
2009 Resolution.
1. Mission trip to Pa Adang...organised by GMC
2. Mission trip to Ulu Kapit...at least one
3. Mission trip to Cambodia...if it does not clash with Pa Adang trip
4. Finish studying the book of Luke & Acts....to be ready for teaching BK if I had to one day
5. Compiling biography of my students...personal purpose
6. Write at least 4 useful article in my blog
7. Be more faithful in my ministry...GB, Sek.Minggu.. (how do you actually know whether achieve or not?)
8. Full fast during the lent and also the NECF fasting program....40 days each.
That's all that I am sharing here. Just some of it. The rest are not really important, it is all my wants and not my needs. So, forget about it.
Oh yeah....not a resolution but something I hope I will do it this year which I did not get to do it last time because I don't have blog yet at that moment....sharing about my trip to Pa Adang. It was a great mission trip where we can clearly see how God works wonders in each and everyone in the mission team. I will share it some other time.
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