5 days to PTK (last chance)
40 days to Cambodia Medical Mission (GMC)
82 days left for 2010

Opening ceremony of Gereja Methodist Tudan (GMT)
In just 12 days, many things had happened. Time passes by real fast that I did not have the time to sit down and ponder on all the things and events and people that passed through my life.

Youth and children in choir during the opening of GMT
Finally, I'll be taking my PTK again in 5 days time and I'm not in the crazy mood to study anymore, like I once used to do. Why? Because I realised that EVERYTHING is in the hands of God.

Birthday girls and boy of Small Group cum house warming
My intention was really wrong...I was almost dying to get 4 4 for my PTK...and God showed me how in control is He in my life. Now, I know that I do it because I need to honour Him and glorify HIm in all that I do, that include my PTK exam too. He comes 1st and everything else, No. 2.
I GOT IT....
He doesn't want just my service, BUT what He wanted most from me, is simply ME!
He doesn't want just your service, BUT what He wanted most from us, is simply US!

Baked beef me :)
I've been doing and doing and doing and thinking I was in the right track because...yeah...I was serving Him in so many ministries, I could not go wrong...BUT....I was all the while very very wrong. It's not how MANY ministries, it's how MUCH time I spent with Him.
Now, I really fully understand the saying, "Prayer is the WORK, ministry is His GIFT".

Food and more food...
We believe in an Almighty God...the Maker of Heaven and Earth. In ministry, He does not even need us in order to get what He wants done, He can do it all by Himself....BUT...with His children, that is us...He does not force us to spend time with Him but how His heart longs for us to come to Him and spend quality time with Him. This is something we need to be willing to do...because our Father does not force Himself on us, He gives us choice.
Nothing more to be said...I know my priority in life....
I know what it means to live...
I'm so happy to finally know the truth of it all....
Oh, surely God is in control of ALL situation...surrender all unto Him, set your priority right and watch His blessing in your life...
Missed shall watch your blessing passed by....
Be on alert....

My "kacang".... the kerang masak me :)
agree with all you said in this post, especially about what's most important :)
btw, the food looks delicioussssss.... especially the beef pasta!!!!!!!
First - serve God and then everything will be in place.
lovely photos...haven't had ketam for a long long time. Must try your cooking soon.
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