21 days to Cambodia Medical Mission (GMC)
63 days left for 2010
I'm so into my own life and other people's life, that I almost forget about the anniversary of my corner.
This blog has been part of my life here on earth. Through many ups and downs of it, I just have no heart to get rid of it. I've tried once to stay away from blogging due to some misunderstanding caused, and it lasted only a month, with so much temptation in between.
Even until now, I have no ultimate answer as to "Why do I blog?". I really can't give anyone an answer to it but if you really want an answer, it' simply because I would love to share some part of my thoughts and life with the world...hehe. What you get here is just PART of it.
I'm happy when I get to write even though my English sucks. Do I really care? Yeah, I do but another part of me says, "Who cares?!" as long as you understand, I understand...communication achieved. I find that it's ok to make mistakes, we are not perfect people after all, especially me.
All my hope and prayers is, this blog shall be a blessing to others reading it, and most of all, it shall forever bring glory and honour unto Him. I owe Him everything.
May this corner be a place of memory of me that will be forever here, even after I am gone from this world. Good and not-so-good, it shall be remembered.
Blessed 2nd Anniversary...of yeah...Belated to all3's Corner of Life!!

Please, your hope and prayers for this blog full of blessing, encouragement... for you and others reading it... :-)
Blessed 2nd Aniversary...
May the Lord use this blog to always share HIS STORY.
Sweet blessings
happy 2nd anniversary :)
Blessed belated anniversary...just arrived back to read all blog friends' blogs and keeping up to date...keep up your good work.
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