Done with PTK (last chance)...susah...susah...
33 days to Cambodia Medical Mission (GMC)
75 days left for 2010

Feasting time with friends today.
Time is running fast. I realised, there is roughly a month left before the school year finishes for year 2010 and roughly two and a half month left before year 2010 finishes.

The highlight dish : Bought by me, "killed" by Elaine, cooked by Aminah's mom, eaten by ALL.
Bought this crab at RM18 per kg @E-mart.

'Siput sedut' bought from E-mart at RM3 per packet
I'm done with my last PTK exam and the last for all civil servants, and I wonder what non-sense will they come up with. *sigh* Just wait and see. Who cares? I've done my best and no matter what, I'm simply doing it for His glory and honour.

Reading Bus : Me with Jaina..she's quite good, I let her read Lady Bird series 12b.
Next, Reading Bus!! Second session was better than the first session because we already knew what we needed to do and right after our PTK exam, we zoomed to Tudan for Reading Bus. Hehe...see how semangat we are with Reading Bus. It was marvelous and I bet everyone had fun, the children and the volunteers. I was so into it, that I did not feel hungry despite eating only half bun, a few pieces of biscuits and some milk since morning till evening....but not until the whole session ended...oh head is throbbing, giving me clue that I need we went to Double Star. It was a good fellowship as well with my friends who went to Reading Bus as well.

This kid is cute...look at the way he says the word 'I'...hehe
I wished I am able to finish the whole 6 sessions but *sigh*, I could not as I'll be back in my hometown. So sad...but it's ok, there will more chances next year, I hope, by His will. Now, I know how fun it is to be part of Reading Bus. I'm loving it! (Not McDonald's..hehe) Looking forward to more next year and years to come.

Food and more food...a feast.
PS: Source of photo of Reading Bus, FB of Wendy Tiong...thank you!
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