Done with Cambodia (TCF) was more than Grreeeaatttt!!
58 days to Cambodia Medical Mission (GMC)
100 days left 4 me to meet the person

Now let's talk a bit about Cambodia.
It was all about 1st TCF Cambodia Conference with a total of 41 conferees attended. Though there were quite many of us from TCF Malaysia but it does not feel or look like many. I don't really know where to start and how to actually share this trip but I do have many things to thank God for, for this whole Cambodia trip.

Nowadays, I do not really get over excited or anxious over any of this mission trips be it local or oversea. One reason because I think we've prayed enough and I now know that every trip is a God-trip. Meaning, it's nothing about us and it's everything about Him. He will get done what He wants done. I do what I can and needed to do, just be present and pray...pray...pray. I consider all done. Even if it does not, He has a purpose for it and all shall be ok one way or another. Can I call this a total surrender?

Thank God 1st and foremost, His provision. He provided lots of stuff for us to bring there. We are so blessed to be able to bring blessing to them. He is indeed Jehovah Jireh.
Thank God for the safe journeys and good health (no one got sick when we were in Cambodia). Everyone was healthy and energetic till the very last day.

Thank God for safe entry into Cambodia and out of Cambodia especially when through the custom. In total, we only "lost" one old conference bag and 2 bar of soap. Wonderful!
Thank God for the wonderful weather. It was not as hot as last year and there were not many insects as last year too. I had wonderful, blissful and peaceful sleep every night without needing to wake in the middle of the night to go to toilet.

Thank God for the clean water we had this time round. Everything was so perfect.
Thank God for each and everyone of the team member who played their role so so very very well. Your sharing touched me instead. I am humbled.

Thank God for all the delicious food we had from the beginning to the end especially the coffee...oh no!! I'm almost addicted to coffee. Nooo..!!!
Thank God for listening to all our prayers...You've answered each and everyone of them, Lord. You did not say "No" to any single one of them.

Thank you, Lord for this privilege to be among the "giants" of TCF Malaysia....saya budak (not so budak already..hehe..) baru belajar, kalau silap tolong tunjukkan.

Thank God for the chance to finally be at Angkor Wat! ...hehe...Finally, I was there...nothing much but since everyone is talking about it. Now, I can talk about it too....oh yeah...minus the sunset. We missed that.'s ok. I'll be going again...hehe...

Lord, thank You for this kingdom of Cambodia...
And thank you, Lord, for the next chance to be in this land....
Here I come again, Kampuchea!!

Thanks God for everything for all of you and us. I don't know how to say it out...:-) God will does on His plans.
Love from Cambodia :-)
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