Done with Cambodia (TCF) was more than Grreeeaatttt!!
61 days to Cambodia Medical Mission (GMC)
103 days left 4 me to meet the person

The Reading Bus
Suo sdey!
It's here, it's finally here!!!
Today we launched the Reading Bus at Gereja Methodist Tudan. I am as excited as the leader, Uncle Richard. I'm really looking forward to the 1st session this early October.

The Reading Bus which runs Alpha Village, and it's all a community project of Bethany Ministries..hehe...I'm just writing down what's written on the vehicle...real cool!
Boy oh boy! I really hope this is the not the feeling of 'new broom sweeps clean'. Though I know I will not be able to be involved from the beginning to the end of it but as many as I could get involve in, I would.

Simply beautiful...
Some people were not very happy with this decision of mine for taking up Reading Bus because in order for me to take up Reading Bus, I need to let go a few ministries. I know my limit and I know where my heart is, and I know that if God says no, I would not be able to go any further in this ministry.

Thank you very much, Ps Cheli and everyone else, for The Reading Bus no.2..
See the green box inside?
There's where some of the books will's really lovely...
Talking about the many ministries, needs are everywhere, and I can't be everywhere. Am I making the right choice or am I following too much of my own desires? But, teaching, that's what I love to do..what's English, something which I am losing out each day because no one really speak English here. Next, it's reading....I'm quite good at it...hehe...not that I want to show off but between reading and writing, I'm better of reading. I love every bit of it.

Last but not least...when I saw'm so proud of it.
TCF - Teachers' Christian Fellowship...
Teachers Changing Future
Whatever it is or whatever people want to say....I am still looking forward to it. *grin* :D
I'm happy with this decision I have made. I'm sticking to it.
sticking with you as you are sticking by your decision :)
I always believe God places certain passions in our hearts, those are the things that we can never deny because they define our heartbeat!
A project beginning with such passion deserves to do well.....carry on the good work!!
Hi Audrey, great post with excellent pictures.. We have been praying for God's peace to reign in you as you choose to take up this ministry and run with it.. We need ones like you my friend.. Blessings
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