Many thanks to Rev. Koshy, AJPC members, Padang Midin neighbours, relatives near and far....and all condolences from friends. Your help and support is much appreciated. Many things would not be done without each and everyone of you. Above all, thank you, Lord for bringing my dad home, wonderful people around us and the good weather.

I was all the while deciding whether to bring back my guitar or not even before my dad passed away but my dad asked me, "What for?". So, I decided not to bring back but God had other plan. When the news got to me, I knew it right away that I need to bring my guitar back. In the short moment before my flight back, I was searching for the right song. God finally gave me this song.. Along the Road of Life. It represent my dad's life on earth and now, with the Lord. Due to last minute tuning, it was a little out of tune but the words were there. That's all that matter. It's not so much for my dad but for the people who came...it's a testimony of my dad.

Though not many but I was touched by those who came and gave us all the support needed.

I thought this was the hardest to go through but I went through it without tears because I know where my dad is. I was saying goodbye to the earthly body but his soul is with my heavenly Father... in a far better place than this place called earth.
Rest in peace, daddy!

Thank you for coming. I'm glad to be able to meet up with all of you. It has been years since I met them and I just got to know and meet one of my cousins. Some of my dad's brothers and sisters could not make it because most of them are quite old and sick themselves. My dad was the first to go back HOME among his siblings and he is the youngest boy in his family.
People come and go, but memories shall remain forever in our hearts.
I miss you dearly, daddy!
Deepest sympathy to you. Till you meet your dad again, run a good race and finish well :)
My family and I convey our deepest condolences. Take care.
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