3 days to Cambodia Medical Mission (GMC)
45 days left for 2010

It's the season of the year once again...the news where some people are waiting for.
"Permohonan perpindahan anda diluluskan..."
It created a smile on their faces when they received such an answer and this year, I have a different reaction.
Simply because in just a year time, 3 of my colleagues from Special Education got transfered and they are all very dear to me.

When I arrived Miri in 2003, Cikgu Ramlee was one of my colleagues. Then when our other colleagues left, we were both left to manage the whole special education without much knowledge and experience. We went through all the hardship together to what it becomes today. Who knows the struggles we went through except the 2 of us.
Finally, after almost 12 years of service in this school and 7 years working with him, he will be transferring. Through the good and bad times, we made it through and all will be memories to cherish.
Thank you for your leadership, your servant-hood and your handy skills in making the whole place usable.
I will surely miss him and I wish him all the best in his new work place, a whole new environment ... and wishing him and his family, all the best in their new life in Kuching. May God's blessing be upon you and family.

Cikgu Jaliyah is someone I came to forge a close friendship with. She is one lady whom I really respect and appreciate for her unselfishness in sharing all the knowledge she knows. She really helps us a lot in strengthening our special education. Some sees it as "showing off" but I saw it as something new to learn...because I was yearning to REALLY know what is this special education all about and its whole management thing.
She, getting transferred is such a great loss to us but we know that we need to learn to be independent in order to grow. I particularly felt that loss...of knowledge, especially of friendship so close to heart.
Thank you for sharing so much of your knowledge to me and us. It means a lot to us and especially to me.
I will miss her too, very much and I wish her all the best in her new work place, in not such a new environment (because she's back to her hometown). God bless you and your family too. I will surely cherish all memories with you and hope that one day, we shall meet again in Peninsular Malaysia.

Finally, Cikgu Fazilah who transferred in a sudden somewhere in September, I think. Thank you too for all that you have done...memories will be cherished too. When you went away, the cheekiness was lost in the whole place. Kitchen stopped smelling of food too, ok, maybe less smoky. I miss you too and like Cikgu Jaliyah, hope to meet you in Peninsular Malaysia too, one fine day.
Life goes on!
One day, it shall my turn...hehe... *waiting*

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