My dad is the opposite of my mom. He is a man with few words, thus, some people will think that he is very proud. Until that some people really get to know him, he can really talk and he can crack jokes, not stupid jokes but real jokes.
My dad was born in Tapah, Perak and then grew up in Ipoh. He was working in KL until he was transfered to Kuala Terengganu. He remained there when he married my mom. My dad was brought up as a Roman Catholic but in 1998, he rededicated his life to Jesus and became a Protestant till today.
Dad had been a very patient man in one way or another though he had his hot-bloodedness. He will patiently send me and my brother to school everyday without fail. That was like since I was in primary one till I was in upper six, plus tuition classes when I was in form 4 and 5. He will send me to school early in the morning eventhough his work only starts at 8am. Then, during lunch time, he will pick me up from school and sent me home which is about 14km from my school. Since my school ended at 2pm, so, it was actually past his lunch time but he was never late in picking me up. I do not know how he did but he did it.
My dad retired in 1996 and he continued to be our driver. Driving me and my mom. My dad were never those authoritative kind of father you know, where he will have the last say in everything. No, my dad always asked us to make our own decision and he will sometimes gives his advice if needed. Normally, we make our decision and bear our own consequences. That's how both of us became quite independent.
My dad was the one who was always with me, giving me all the moral support needed, in silence. He sent me to tuition and will go round the town until it was time to pick me up. He was the one who followed my timetable when I was having my PMR, SPM and STPM. If there was like a short hour in between papers, he will come and pick me up and bring me somewhere to eat, and sent me back for my next paper. Sometimes, he will buy some food for me and drive up to the seaside and had my food there.
Dad never force my brother and I into what are we to become. He let us choose whatever we want to be. He is always giving his blessing to whatever we are doing. When my brother wanted to go to India after his uni, my dad did not complained or disapproved but he, in fact, supported my brother there. When my brother wanted to work in the home for the underprivileged children, my dad never disapproved him either. There goes for me too. When I wanted to go to Sarawak, he was just giving his blessing.
My dad is always very calm in every situations, even until his last breath. Before he passed away, though he was not feeling very comfortable but he was still sitting there in silence, in relax and calm mode...without a single word from him...until his final breath.
I was very close to my father because I think we have the same characteristic. I could talk to him for hours in person but not through the phone. My dad hated the phone. So, when I am back home, he's the one that I spent most of the time with compared to my mom. When my mom is busy talking with people, I'll always be standing with my dad because we do not know the person and we will just stand there and listen. When in a shopping place, I will always choose to follow my dad rather than my mom because we have the same interest. Clothings doesn not really interest me unless I need to get one for some occasions. What my dad sees were more interesting to me.
During the funeral service, many people came to me and told me that they will miss my dad because my dad is always a joker. He always makes people laugh and making the learning fun, plus he is always coming up with questions that no one will think of and that will make you think. People were touched by his quiet ways and his enthusiasm.
In his 60's, he was studying part time theology and though difficult , he never gave up. He faithfully attended each of the classes which can be very tiring for him because the class will start in the morning and ended in the night for at least 2 to 3 days. During his last 2 years plus of his life, he really dedicated his time to studying God's word and praying, and fasting too.
I am glad that he came back to Christ and he passed away while he was in the midst of completing the 10 days of world global day of prayer. He passed away on the 8th day and on the final day, was his funeral day. God ended his life so well and so perfect. I thank the Lord for all that He had done and how He had been with my dad all his years.
Thank you, Lord for giving me such a wonderful earthly father.
I love you, daddy!