Done with PKP Outing to Borneo Rainforest
Done with Balingian Mission
8 days to Visit from SMK Kidurong, Bintulu
11 days to A & S's Special Day
23 days to PTK TK 2
24 days to Sipitang, Kundasang, Sandakan, Tenom..."Sabah, here we come!!!"
38 days to St Joe Teachers' Day
38 days to mission to SMK Suai, Miri
41 days to Christian Teachers' Day, S'wak
67 days to Miri TCF Teachers' Day
75 days to 7th year
112 days to Cambodia (TCF)
186 days to Cambodia Medical Mission (GMC)
228 days left 4 me to meet the person
Last weekend, we, 26 of us, drove roughly 5 hours of journey to Ulu Balingian for a mission trip to Rumah Chendang. It was great to be back to a long house after so many years being away from it. I was expecting almost everything I had experienced before except the experience of taking bath in the river and not the bathroom. There's always the 1st time...after a while, we got used to it and in fact, we missed that so much.
This time I was given the responsibility of leading the children ministry...again...haha. I can never run away from it but enjoying every bit of it thought frankly, I was a little tired this trip, so unable to fully concentrate on it. All by His grace, strength and leading. I don't really know what I did.
Another responsibility I can't run away is playing the guitar but thank God this time I was not the song leader....and I enjoyed this the heals my tired and blur soul and mind. All by His grace and who else if not Him who enable me to do what He wants done.

I've been saying how exhausted I was the last two weeks and last week, I was at the peak of my exhaustion. A little bit more and I'll be insane...hehe...but hmm, He gave me the strength to move on despite my exhaustion.
So, what were we so busy about???
Experience working as a 'buruh kasar' and I can testify that it's not an easy job though you don't need to use much brain. It's energy straining job. Being under the hot sun, carrying bricks, mixing cement, constructing the ...errr...what do you call 'batas' in English...whatever....that was our job for last 2 weeks...everyday after school, we will work continuously for roughly 3 hours.
So, what were we so busy about???
Experience working as a 'buruh kasar' and I can testify that it's not an easy job though you don't need to use much brain. It's energy straining job. Being under the hot sun, carrying bricks, mixing cement, constructing the ...errr...what do you call 'batas' in English...whatever....that was our job for last 2 weeks...everyday after school, we will work continuously for roughly 3 hours.
After buckets of sweats... this is what it looks like...

"Semangat Pendidikan Khas"

Not bad right for a non-expert like us?
That is just part of our work outside our room, we did some inside the room job as well. No pictures yet. Soon...I hope. We have few days of rest before work starts again...haha...
Above all, it is still He who enabled it to be done...
All glory and praises be unto Him...
Exhaustively satisfied... =)
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
I am really impressed by the Special Ed teachers!! How nice to do the bricklaying together like that. I miss teaching in a school!
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