Saturday, October 31, 2009

RCISEN2009 - Part Three

My almost last post on this topic...

Topic : Refining the Concept of Quality Education.

What do we expect to come up on the other side?

Choice : Students who are able to know and received, caring or competitive?

School have to change...

Reminder : We have to value what we measure and not measure what we value!

There shouldn't be pass or fail...all children pass...
E.g. : 50% passing mark....what if the child gets 49%? Does that make him/her a failure?
What is the impact on a child being called a failure?
Think about that....

Question : What is the purpose of examination?

Question : Why do we assess and evaluate?

Policies, practices that leads to exclusion from and within education should be identified and removed.

Advice : Look to opportunities rather than problems!

Without change, we will not succeed.

We will meet obstacles but all needed are determination, hardwork and patience...

It is a process of not only system but of HEART and MIND!


We need to monitor growth in students...

Q&A : What is education? ...not to pass exam...but to develop human in life and after be a good citizen with good values...

Finally.... which I agree 100%....


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