I have known my ibu since I was in Form 1. Ok, that time she was not yet my ibu. She was just someone I know by Indy. A youth adviser, a teacher. Full stop. From the beginning, it was "love" at first sight, as if we were meant for each other..haha. I started to admire her for her courage, her speech, her laughter and her words. Her "lectures" were long and sharp. Hitting every single of my "nerve" but she was just my secret admire. I watched her and long to develope a relationship of sisterhood but things were different from what I expected. She resigned and answered God's calling into full time ministry. Off she went away to somewhere foreign to me at that time. I kept in touch with her once in a blue moon until I started helping her out in TCF after my Form 5. That was year 1998.
She started by being my mentor. A harsh one I can say...haha. I remembered the most was she gave me a pen and a paper, asked me sit down and write goals. Since when I ever have goals?? Whoa, I was struggling to write something on that blank paper before I get any "lectures" again. I met her again after my Form 6 in the year 2000 and also once in a while during my uni years. We met again before I came to Miri to work. On my 1st anniversary in Miri, she came to visit me. It was not an arranged meeting but I bet it was all arranged by God. Then, it was quietness for a few years.
She came to Miri last year on 19th July 2008. I remembered it well because it was her birthday. I do not really know how things happen but it happened. Slowly, she became my ibu and I really thank God for giving me more than what I expected. I asked for a sister and He gave me an ibu which is far greater.
Starting from that date, we started to build up that relationship again. We tried to keep in touch as much as possible. I started to get concern of her and prayed for her esepcially when she was going through the pains. I started to get connected with ibu. I wanted to pay her back for all that she has done in my life, the impact she had on my life....what can I give? I decided to give her my love, my attention, and as long as I am able, I will take care of her, just like how I will be taking care of my parents. She might have other daughters and sons...that is her blessings but all I know is I have an ibu who love and care and whom I love and care too.
My ibu is a person full of determination. She works her way out and gets her things done perfectly. Nothing can stop her from doing what she is doing for even when in pain, she still gets her things done. That's why you can see that she organises conferences and seminars very well with the help of many supporting people around her.
She is a woman of diligence. She works very hard. Like above, she makes sure she gets it done. Not simply done but properly done. I guess she will work day and night into getting things done. Don't over work, ibu but well, if she needed to, I trust God will give her all the strengths she needs.
My ibu gives good advises. Whatever that she says, will make you really reflect and think deeply into it. You might not agree with her in the beginning but if you really ponder about it, you will sooner or later agree with her one way or another. In the end of the day, yeah, what she said is true. My ibu will definately sound harsh as times but hey, that's my ibu. That's what makes her, her.
I have more to say but I'll have to think them in words to describe. I'll just sum it up. Ibu is a great gift of God to me and to everyone who knows her. Ibu might be a little harsh sometimes but deep inside, she is a sweet, loving and caring lady. I really hope I could be someone who will bring joy into her life. I love you, ibu! And thank you very much!
Happy Mother's Day!
I believe I know Indy too...she deserves the best in the world....
Yes and that's why I treat her as good as I treat my mom. She is my beloved ibu.
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