Friday, November 28, 2008

Life's Like That.

I've been on my blog for quite some time but just too lazy to write because I have nothing nice to write but just complains and more complains about this world and everything in it. Plus, I've been quite busy trying to arrange, rearrange and sort out all the accounts that I need to pass over before I go back to my hometown. Just to share a few things

Number 1 : I'm happy and sad that next year I'm not doing accounts anymore. I'm happy because a little bit of burden/responsibility is off my shoulders especially handling money that is not mine, rushing here and there paying bills and walking real fast holding cash in my pocket to the cash deposit machine late at night because that's the time where there's less people and car. I'm sad because I've been doing these things for 2 years and it has become part of me, part of my life though frankly, I'm not good at all in handling accounts and sort. Well, it's time to move on with my next service for God. I'm serving as a Sunday School Superintendent which I am not qualified at all and real blur about it. Yeah, I can teach and sing but I don't know how to find teachers to teach Sunday School every month. Bad move for them to choose me. Anyway, I'm relying fully on God for this new service.

Number 2 : I can't wait to go back to my hometown. I can't wait to go back to see my two moms, my mom and my ibu and also my dad. I miss them terribly. My brother too but I'm not close to my brother compare to my closeness to my parents. I'll really miss them one day when they go back Home but I always comfort myself that I'll meet them again one day in our Home.

Number 3 : I'm bored of eating instant noodles and bread everyday. I wish I could have the time to cook real food. I love cooking and baking.

Number 4 : I really miss all my students. I wish I could introduce each and everyone of them to you but can't do it here without permission. That's our law. I miss their smiles, I miss their talks, I miss their actions, I miss their unique identity, I miss "bullying" them, I miss teaching them....I really miss them. Though some of them might not understand much about this life, there easy life teach me to slow down and don't take this life so seriously. They always make my day. They brightens up my day. I love them very much. In school, they are just like my children and they are very special. I'm looking forward to receiving a new batch of students next year. Though we don't have enough room to put them in but God will make a way.

My students...I'm in front of them...I'll always be in front line to care and lead them. God will always be above and around them. May God grant me to do more for all of you.

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