Saturday, December 31, 2011

Lea Sen Hai 2011

I'm back at the end of 2011.

In one word, with all my limited vocabulary, P.R.I.V.I.L.E.G.E.

It was a privilege to be able to be at TCF Jubilee Conference 2011. My 1st TCF conference was in KT when I was in my form 6. So, this is my 1st as a teacher.

It was a privilege to be in TCF exco and I still wonder, "Who am I that I should be in this exco?", and at the end of 2011, "What have I contribute as an exco?". Nothing much but do my presence count? hehe. This is something that never was on my mind.

It was a privilege to be able to in Kampuchea, TWICE!!! Kampuchea is very close to my heart. Though at times I still feel like an alien in that land but another part of me felt so at familiar. Simply so happy each time I'm back there.

It was a privilege to be able to be the proud owner of D7000! ...and I am truly my dad's daughter, when I realised that it was his hobby too once upon a time. A very expensive hobby.

It was a privilege to be able to finally step my feet in Bario and breathe the fresh and cool air. It was truly a dream come true. I'm so glad and looking forward to go there again one day.

It was a privilege to witness TCF 50th Anniversary Celebration at DUMC and to be an unofficial photographer there. So panicky but yet it was such a happy challenge. I enjoyed every moment.

It was a privilege to represent the 5th decade during the launching of the Time Capsule that will be opened on TCF 60th Anniversary. God is simply so good.

It was a privilege to share my Teaching As A Vocation during the SU National Leadership Camp, but I sucks there. Too panic and I am really a NO NO speaker.

It was a privilege to attend MCT Retreat...even though just for a while...worth it. Got to see more, hear more, learm more.

It was a privilege to be the owner of one unit in Subang Perdana Goodyear Court 8. No castle, but it's a blessing from Above.

It was a privilege to be scolded...that I might practice patience and know that each human think differently. What we think is OK might not be OK for others.

It was a privilege to be given good health because many out there are suffering from sickness...and I can't do anything to take away their misery and pain, simply to PRAY!

It was a privilege to have friends...near and far...good and bad...all for us to learn to love each other, for God is love!

It was a privilege to still have people I can call F.A.M.I.L.Y. They are always the one I take for granted, but in the end of the day, they are the one that will stay by your side when all have gone.

Frankly, I did not achieve much in my resolution but God achieved much more in me.

I am not perfect, but always made perfect by Him.

I am still thankful for my life today and I still owe it unto Him who gave me His all.

Thank You, Father for 2011.

Goodbye 2011!